Specialist areas of practice:
Lucy leads Wynn Williams' environment and planning team. She specialises in environment and planning and local government law.
Since returning to New Zealand in 2013, Lucy's work has focused primarily on freshwater management, and advising local authorities on a range of planning and resource consenting issues. In addition to her local government sector experience, she also has significant experience in the energy (hydro-electricity generation), retail, industrial, residential and infrastructure sectors.
Lucy is exceptionally well versed in district and regional planning processes, resource consent applications, resource management related law reform and local government legislation. While at Wynn Williams, she has spent more than a year on secondment as General Counsel to a major local government client, providing her with a unique and valued understanding of how councils work.
Wynn Williams Auckland
Level 20, Vero Centre, 48 Shortland Street, Auckland 1010, New Zealand. PO Box 2401, Shortland Street, Auckland 1140.
+64 9 300 2600
Wynn Williams Christchurch
Level 5, Wynn Williams House, 47 Hereford Street, Christchurch 8013, New Zealand. PO Box 4341, DX WX11179, Christchurch 8140.
+64 3 379 7622
Wynn Williams Queenstown
Level 2, Te Nuku Building, 43 Ballarat Street, Queenstown 9300, New Zealand. PO Box 323, Queenstown 9348.
+64 3 379 7622