Insight / Local Government Restructuring within Local Authorities poses very specific challenges The current economic downturn is seeing many an organisation consider the merits of a restructure. Whether it's in the context of the public or private sector, obligations under employment law don't change, and potential legal liability and reputational risks to the employer always exist if the process is not managed correctly. Within the context of local authorities, however, there are some additional and very specific legislative requirements which need to be carefully and appropriately navigated. Read more
Insight / Local Government A return to normality – weathertightness defects separable from other defects in Council leaky building insurance claim A landmark legal case involving Napier City Council and RiskPool clarified liability for defects in a construction project. Find out how the courts ruled and the implications for councils and insurance claims Read more
Insight / Local Government Elections are over – let the triennium begin With new leaders, it is timely to reflect on what to expect at the first meeting and recap on conflicts of interest before reflecting on the challenges ahead for this cohort of mayors, councillors and local board members. Read more
Insight / Local Government Environmental leadership spectrum as an aid to decision-making Local government grapples with impactful policy changes affecting diverse communities. Read more
Insight / Local Government Setting the speed for 2022 The new Land Transport Rule came into force in May. The 2022 Rule is part of the “Road to Zero” strategy and sets out the responsibilities of Waka Kotahi. Read more
Insight / Local Government Confidentiality – recent case notes from the Office of the Ombudsmen As Chief Ombudsman, Peter Boshier has led the Office of the Ombudsman to faster and more effective resolution of complaints relating to the release of information under both the Official Information Act and the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA). Read more