6 December 2023
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Every year, the Real Estate Authority publishes statistics about the industry in its Annual Report. Last year, we passed on the good news that complaints made about real estate agents were at an all-time low. The REA has just published its report on the year from July 2022 – June 2023. It’s great to see that the downwards trend continues; the REA received only 252 formal complaints last year. REA Reporting year Number of formal complaints
2015/16 564 2016/17 477 2017/18 337 2018/19 296 2019/20 288 2020/21 320 2021/22 271 2022/23 252
We represent real estate agents throughout the country, and have a great relationship with many agencies. Here are some anecdotal guesses about what is behind the downward trend, picked up from our work and conversations with friends in the industry:
There will probably be some truth in all the guesses above. The take-home message is that something is working, and the real estate industry is doing well to reduce formal complaints. In a healthy regulatory system, though, the number of complaints should never fall to zero. We are also seeing the same number of frivolous/crazy complaints come in as before.
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